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1. Talking Point | CNA Insider
Looking after a loved one living with dementia can be frustrating. In this episode of Talking Point, it provides you with some tips on what to do when you face the following 3 scenarios – when your loved one living with dementia:
- Refuses to bathe
- Forgets that he/ she has eaten and keeps demanding for food
- Accuses you or others of stealing
Source: CNA Insider
2. UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Video series
The Multicampus Programs in Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology (MPGMG) at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA created a series of videos on understanding and managing behaviours associated with dementia.
Every video scenario shows:
- The common response that family caregivers give in order to manage the behaviour change exhibited by their loved ones living with dementia;
- An expert’s explanation about the behaviour change, with tips to identify and minimise the triggers and suggestions for redirection; and
- The recommended response (incorporating the tips) that family caregivers can show instead to better manage the behaviour change.
This site also provides a Take Action worksheet that allows caregivers and care professionals to record what they can do to minimise the triggers of the behaviour changes.
Watch the UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Video series now.
3. Fact Sheets Developed by Overseas Dementia Associations
There are other behaviour changes that a person living with dementia may exhibit. For each of the following list of behaviour changes, there are overseas resources which:
- Define each behaviour change;
- Detail their possible causes and underlying unmet needs; and
- Suggest some plausible strategies to manage them at the time and when the behaviours have passed (to prevent the behaviours in future).
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of resources. Click on the logos to access the fact sheets and websites for further reading.
Repetitive Behaviours
Resistance to Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
Sleep Disturbances
Vocally Disruptive Behaviours