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Creating a Life Story for Persons with Dementia

Listen   Min Read Discover the powerful impact of life story work in dementia care. This article explores how gathering and reflecting on personal narratives enriches identity, deepens empathy, and

Integrating Play into Dementia Treatment Plans

Listen Min Read Dementia, a progressive neurological disorder affecting millions globally, prompts a multidimensional approach to care. While pharmaceutical interventions are prevalent, the recognition of non-pharmacological strategies is on the

Supporting Persons with Dementia to Vote

Learn how you can prepare your loved one who is living with dementia on voting essentials for the election and casting an informed vote.

Communication Approaches in Dementia Care

Reality orientation, validation and reminiscence are effective methods to facilitate communication with persons living with dementia. Find out how you can use these approaches to help people living with dementia.

Tips for Communicating with Persons Living with Dementia

As the condition of a person living with dementia progresses, the way in which others communicate and interact with them should also change in order to tailor the interaction to


Applying the K.I.N.D Gesture & C.A.R.E Approach

We may encounter persons living with dementia in different situations depending on our social or work roles. Watch this prize-winning video produced by Vinn Bay and Tee Boon Leng as

Making Festive Celebrations Dementia-Friendly

Festivities are typically a time for joy and celebration across all cultures. However, it might present as a stressful time for both caregivers and persons with dementia due to a

K.I.N.D. Gesture and C.A.R.E. Approach

There are many scenarios where persons living with dementia may face difficulties and require assistance. The K.I.N.D Gesture and C.A.R.E Approach can help us to remember what to do and

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