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Preparing for Doctor’s Visit

Being well-prepared for a doctor’s visit will be beneficial to you and your loved one living with dementia. Keep a symptom diary for your loved one A diary helps you

Why Do Behavioural Changes Happen?

Dementia is accompanied by behavioural changes, which affect your loved one living with dementia and all of you around him/her. Behavioural changes can be one of the aspects of dementia

Providing Namaste Care at Home

As a person living with dementia increasingly faces challenges in communication as their condition advances, what can help us to better communicate and engage them in daily activities at home?

Additional Resources for Other Behaviour Changes

1. Talking Point | CNA Insider Looking after a loved one living with dementia can be frustrating. In this episode of Talking Point, it provides you with some tips on

Managing Wandering Behaviour

Many persons living with dementia feel the urge to walk about and in some cases leave their homes. Though it is sometimes termed as “wandering”, it is rarely ever aimless.

Managing Sundowning

What Is Sundowning? Your loved one living with dementia may display behaviour changes particularly in the evening which include agitation, aggression, confusion and restlessness. This is known as sundowning and

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